Sunday, October 29, 2006

Shizzle De Izzle

You ever dress your dog up and subject to her to public humiliation? I STRONGLY recommend it.

Several weeks ago when I was picking up Baby Girl from daycare at Doggie In The Window we were asked if we would participate in a costume contest. After securing Boo's somewhat-less-than-ecstatic approval ("I don't have to go with y'all do I?"), we signed up. I had millions of costume ideas (bride, devil, poodle), but none were fantaboulous. As the contest drew near, I finally settled on her costume (and convinced Boo to go to the party with us). Let me introduce you to the new and improved Snoop Dogg:

Baby Girl was not pleased. She hung her head in shame.

In fact, she even threatened to fry a small child with her laser eyes if he didn't help secure her escape.

Boo, he was somewhat skeptical. "The inherent flaw in our costume is that we are in the white-est middle-aged part of the state." Uh hello, 50 Cent is practically our neighbor. "Yah know, if Snoop isn't well received, you could change her into 'work out dog.'" Nonetheless, we, um, well, me, I was committed. I was confident that our homemade costume would rock. That is, until I saw some of the competition which included ...

I was sure we were doomed. In fact, true to Boo's predictions we were told that our "peace sign" was cool and referred to as Snoopy. In the end, however, cuteness and originality paid off - WE WON! First friggin place! Boo-Yah! Thrilled with the win, Baby Girl was true to character and ended up behind bars for a bit:

From DITW we went to the Granby dog park. We thought it was just a Halloween party with dogs in costume but it turns out they were having a costume contest too. Baby Girl re-suited up ("Mom, you suck. If I could get the gat from my back pocket I would shoot you").

And there was more strong competition ...

But she won, AGAIN. Most creative or most original (or something to that effect). Despite hating ("Oh how I hate you human!") every minute of the costume wearing, Baby Girl was a champ. She walked away with a day at the spa (me = jealous), treats, and some new toys, and boy was she tuckered out ...


Rebecca said...

OMG ROFLOL! That was too precious... somehow it's fitting that the Snoop Dogg costume wins in the white suburban dog park. (And my son laughed so hard at the gat comment ;) )

Brena said...

LOL!!!! Perfect costume, I love it. I thought the bandana was priceless.