Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More of the Same

I'm still not finding the funny, or the blogworthy and interesting, though this morning I did find the pissed-off-hormonal-indignation as I trudged through horrible weather to get to work on time when nothing else (including the courthouse NEXT to my office) was opening on time simply because Crazy wanted sympathy. Yesterday she left at tenish for no reason, or one of three totally different reasons, depending on which person she told. So when I walked in the door this morning and saw her crying at the receptionist's desk, I know she expected me to drop everything and say, "Oh no! Are you okay? What's wrong you dear, sweet, kind, caring woman?" Having just slipped and slid my way over a mountain to drag my ass to work, that wasn't happening. Instead I chirped, "Good morning!" and waved. It might have been slightly rude, but honestly, it was better than calling her a self-absorbed, sympathy-junkie, bitch face.

So, since I am probably not fit for regular conversation as of yet, I'm cleaning out my closet, er, camera!

Here is pedicure sock number one.

I did find the ball of crap yarn that I thought I'd lost. It seems I never took it out of my suitcase. Whoops! I wish I could say I did the same with my camera battery charger and extra battery, but they weren't in there and can only be presumed missing. In any event, I am onto pedicure sock number two. My next pedicure is a week and a half away, so I have some time to get these guys finished. I suspect though that I will single handedly bring an end to winter by finishing these socks in a timely manner. I have power like that. Also, I can bring the rain by simply washing my car. I am magical!

Here are a few of the pictures from my trip to D.C. You are being spared the three thousand self-portraits during which I was trying to get the Washington Monument, Capitol, or some other neat building in the background. I look at them and it is like a Where's Waldo? I have to laugh at myself. I could have asked one of the five people with me to take my picture with the item of interest but that would have been, well, normal.


Here are some more of my D.C pictures, those these are of our Indian dinner, which had my new favorite Indian dish Palak Chata (crispy spinach).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmmmmmm I love Indian food. That looks yummy!

I'm tagging you, go to my blog to play along. :)