Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Have y'all heard about NaNoWriMo or NaBloPoMo? No, well, it doesn't really matter. It is just that they led to NaKniSweMo, a Knit-A-Sweater-In-A-Month knit-along and I am soooo gonna do this. But I am cheating. You see, I am already taking a sweater class and have already started my very first sweater, so technically, I might not meet the exact parameters of NaKniSweMo, but that is okay. I'm in. Um, assuming they'll take me. Ha!

And, in unrelated news, I have been told that the kitty is not getting equal face time here on The Blog and that it isn't right. There have been talks of unionizing. Me? Not a lover of the union. (Sorry Joan! Love you though!) So, to squash these ridiculous talks of organization, I present you with ...

"Cat, the Bookmarker"*

* That is bookmaRKer not bookmaKEr. I am the bookmaker, not Cat. You want the Jets on the under for $500? No problem! Just kidding. There is no gambling here. Gambling is illegal and thus betting will not be tolerated. Unless you wanna play the lottery. That is ok.


thinggtwoo said...

Cat is GORGEOUS - and such a Handy BookmarKER!!! ;-)

thinggtwoo said...

Oops, and I wanted to say, that is SO COOL, the sweater thing? I SO can't do it, but LOL - I still recognize a neat idea when I see one! On my OTHER journal site, we've got "NoJoMo", "November Journaling Month". ...and I'm participating in that. Silly, Silly me. Why didn't I think that more journaling = less knitting??