Thursday, November 08, 2007

NaBloPoMo, viii

Today has been a rough day. The type of day where you just have to laugh at the absurdity because otherwise, you might kill someone. Bonus points if you can figure out if today has sucked thus far because ...

  • my cold, it still lingers;

  • last night I forgot to bring home the file I needed for court this morning, and only remembered this morning when I was thirty minutes past my office, causing me to have to turn around and go pick it up, thus back tracking and adding an extra hour to my morning drive;

  • my pinkie finger hurts as I somehow slammed it in between my car door and the mirror of the car next to me in the courthouse parking garage;

  • my case that was set for ten o'clock was not heard until eleven thirty so I got to stand around in tall, uncomfortable shoes for an hour and a half;

  • the first thing that I was greeted with when I walked into my office this afternoon was a client grievance sitting on the top of my desk; or

  • I am being offered two weeks, unpaid, as my maternity leave.


tangled in ribbons said...

my guess:
~my case that was set for ten o'clock was not heard until eleven thirty so I got to stand around in tall, uncomfortable shoes for an hour and a half;

Anonymous said...

Two weeks maternity leave. Thats ridiculous.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Gosh, I'm usually pretty good at multiple choice questions. Usually at least 2 can be eliminated even if you don't know the answer. But not so here. Hum - they are all good contenders - but I'm going with forgetting the file. I hate to drive and worrying about being late to court would really get the day off on the wrong foot.

Rebecca said...

Oh that sucks. How effin generous of them.

Hope you feel better soon.

Kaylea said...

How about option g. all of the above?

Brena said...

2 weeks unpaid maternity? That's shitty! Is there anyone I can write to about that ridiculousness!

The Woolgatherer said...

Two weeks! That is crazy!

Anonymous said...

Any and all of the above, I would definitely try looking for a new job to start immediately after you finish maternity leave. Even with no complications, there's no guarantee you'll be ready to head back to work - especially in "tall, uncomfortable shoes" - after just two weeks!! Pity the place you work is too small for FMLA, or apparently any other labour laws to apply.